Warrior council approves several trips for personnel
At its regular meeting on Monday, the Warrior City Council:
• approved the registration of several council members who are attending the Alabama League of Municipal Voters Convention. The convention will take place in Huntsville from April 30-May 3.
• approved a travel expense for Warrior Police Chief Ray Horn. Horn will be attending a training conference in Gulf Shores.
• approved registration for City Clerk Demetra Mixon for a clerks’ summer conference in Orange Beach. The total cost for the trip will be $550.
• appointed councilman Jerry Bailey to review applications for a job in the city’s street department. He will choose one full-time employee and one part-time employee. Bailey said he will try to hire candidates with a commercial drivers’ license.
• considered a request by Warrior Police Detective George Billets for matching funds for his retirement account. Billets was deployed to Iraq for military service for a year and did not receive a city paycheck during that time.
• listened to a proposal by Blount County Emergency Medical Services about buying an ambulence; Blount County E.M.S. usually contracts ambulences through an ambulence service, but has had issues with getting to calls in a timely manner. The council said it would need more information, such as how much income the city would receive and how much each individual using E.M.S. ambulance services would be billed, before they could make a decision.
• voted to replace a pipe on Ellis Road at the cost of $1,126.84. The pipe has rusted and the bottom is missing.