Condolences to family of senior

By Mack McConnell

Gardendale Seniors

Our condolences go out to the family of Sidney (S.A.) Campbell.

He left this old world on May 14 after a lengthy illness. “S.A.,” as we all lovingly called him, was very much a part of the senior center and to the musical community.

“S.A.” played the keyboard for a long period of time at the center. You name a song and he could play it. We will miss him at the center as will the whole musical community throughout our area.

We hope that you had a great Memorial Day. There is nothing for seniors like having family and friends over for a barbeque, no matter what you put on the grill.

Throughout the fun you may have been having, I hope that everyone kept in mind the real purpose of the day — remembering those of our countrymen and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue to enjoy all of the freedoms that so many citizens of so many countries throughout the world do not have.

Nearly all veterans serve or have served willingly and effectively. I can well remember the Sunday morning of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I wasn’t quite out of high school, but I vowed then and there I was going to go over there and do my part to settle with the enemy.

Cara Lee’s brother was on the Oklahoma, the first ship to be hit and sunk. Amazingly, he was able to swim through the burning waters to safety, although many of his shipmates were not so fortunate.

I was inducted into service in March 1943, and headed out for what would change my life forever. I have to admit that I had a lot of reservations when we landed in New Guinea three miles north of Australia. I am thankful that the Good Lord spared my life, but I often think of those brave men we left behind.

I know that there are some of you out there who failed to put Saturday, June 14, on your calendars. We want the whole town of Gardendale and surrounding communities to show up as we celebrate the beginning of our fifth year of Senior Center Activities. I gave you the outline of the program last week, but I do want to remind any businesses that have not already called Peggy (631-7240) that they should do so as soon as possible to ensure that they are able to have a booth at the civic center on that date.

The greatest distance we have yet to cover still lies within us.

Senior of the Week

Our senior of the week is Frances Ferguson. She lives on Bozo Lane here in Gardendale. She tells me that at the time she was born, what is now upper Gardendale was part of Morris. She has now moved back into the old house where she was born.

After she finished high school, she went to work with Southeastern Optical Company. She was trained by Dr. E.C. Overton.

She went on to go to night school at Wheeler Business College and was offered a job at General Shops. She first worked for them in north Birmingham, but when that shop closed she moved to Pelham where she continued working for the company doing accounting and payroll. When she retired, she moved back to this part of the county to the old home place and to be near the rest of her family.

Frances tells me that she has a certificate in religious education from Samford University.

Having come from a large family, she said that life was always fun. There were eight children in the family, all of whom turned out real well.

Frances loves to come to the musical programs at the center and enjoys the fellowship with the others who are here.

The best thing about living in a democracy is that we have control over how we pay our taxes —cash, check, or money order. This year they are sending one to us. Enjoy your stimulus check.

Until next week. God Bless.