Parade to be held Dec. 13

Trafford News by Cathy Doyle

The North Jefferson News

Trafford’s annual Christmas parade will be Dec. 13. Line up will be at noon at the park and the parade will begin at 1 p.m. Anyone that wants to enter should be at the park no later than noon. The grand marshall will be Ruth Myrick.

• Happy birthday

to: Chris Harper on Nov. 23; Ritchie Chapple on Nov. 25; Susan Doss on Nov. 26; Megan White on Nov. 28; and Timmy Higginbotham on Nov. 30.

• Happy anniversary to: Dewayne and Nicole Jenkins on Nov. 23; Thomas and Sherry White and Michael and Grace (sis) Shannon on Nov. 24; and Ellie and Ann Merrell on Nov. 30.

Cathy Doyle is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Trafford community. She can be reached at 647–1828.