Devotional passage gave peace after crash
Kimberly and Morris News by Lisa Barnwell
The North Jefferson News
Congratulations to Adrienne Murphy on receiving an academic scholarship to The University of Southern Mississippi. Adrienne scored a 25 on the October ACT and represented Jefferson County in the Alabama Youth Leadership
Counsel for Prevention of HIV/AIDS. She also received a $16,000
scholarship to UAB. Adrienne spent her spring break at The University of Southern Mississippi where she worked with the football team during spring training. Adrienne is the daughter of Karen Arnold Murphy. We are proud of you!
• By now I guess everyone has heard about the bus wreck last week. I wanted to share this with everyone who, like myself, had a child on that bus that day. When I went to work on Monday, a friend shared this devotional passage for Friday, March 28.
Proverbs 3:21-26: For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
Suddenly, the plane crashed into the ground. It bounced back into the air. There was a terrible sound of broken glass. All that I knew was we were going to hit again-and we did. Again, we were airborne, this time missing high line wires and fences. We finally landed on the grassy area between the runways, making several ground loops before stopping. Miraculously, everyone lived. As I told the FAA inspectors, there had been 21 on board. They seemed surprised, since their report said there were 20. Then I told them, “God was there.” He made the difference. Ever been afraid in the night or when a doctor gives you or your loved one a bad diagnosis? Psalm 56:3 says, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” What a comfort! You don’t have to be afraid. God is your confidence. Your trust is in him. You can lean on him. You can depend on him. Thank you, dear Father that I can know your presence is around me, keeping me in perfect peace. I trust you with all my being. When I read this it sent chills through me. Just wanted to share that with everyone.
• Also, please pray for Mrs. King to make a full and speedy recovery and for Brittany and Mrs. Ledlow. Hurry back to school soon! All of the fifth grade class loves you.
• Happy birthday to Shirley Russell on April 9.
• If anyone has any news, please let me know. You can reach me at 903-5602 or email me at Have a great week.
Lisa Barnwell is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Kimberly and Morris communities. She can be reached at 647-2912, 903-5602 or email