String of robberies concerns Corner residents

A string of robberies and break-ins over the past three weeks has left residents of Corner worried about their property and belongings.

The latest incident happened late Sunday night or Monday morning, when intruders broke into the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The burglars damaged a window to gain entrance, then destroyed a large video monitor, pried off the front of a desk drawer in the front office and attempted to do so with a file cabinet.

Only a small amount of cash was stolen, but repairing the damage will cost thousands of dollars, according to Rev. Sammie Reid.

“Rest assured, if we find who did this, we will prosecute them,” Reid said.

It’s the latest of several incidents that have also affected a nearby gas station and convenience store, as well as a popular local restaurant.

Corner Chevron, just down the road from the church, was burglarized three weeks ago. Christy Conn, a cashier at the store, said that a digital cash register containing $180 in case was stolen.

“This has just been happening recently around here. It’s getting ridiculous,” Conn said.

Last week, The Yellow Jacket Restaurant on Bagley Road was burglarized. Owner Barbara Gray said the intruders broke in around 2 a.m. and took “a substantial amount.”

Gray has become so concerned about the robberies that she has organized a meeting at her restaurant on Oct. 8. A notice posted at the restaurant says, “This is NOT a neighborhood watch program and will not have politicking involved.”

Gray asks those with questions to call her at 356-8587.

Other nearby incidents of vandalism have been reported at a Blount County landfill near Hayden, where a scale house and other items were destroyed by fire over the weekend.