Powdery mildew can be a real pest in spring flower beds
Warrior, Hayden and Corner News by Evangeline Sloan
The North Jefferson News
Spring is almost here. The powdery mildew will plague everyone that has Phlox, roses, many annuals and perennials including mums, asters and others, in their garden. Mix one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, one tablespoon baby shampoo, one teaspoon of instant tea granules and two cups of warm water in a hand held spray bottle. Spray every seven days until the mildew is gone. You may have to spray all summer long.
• The Warrior Lions Club wondered why I did not place this article in last weeks paper. I do not know why. They still have a few pecans for sale for $10 for a five pound bag and they still have the Warrior historical calendars for a donation. These calendars show many buildings in and around Warrior. These calendars have some graduates from Warrior High School. For more information about the pecans, call J.D. McAlpine at 647-9697.
• Happy birthday greetings go to: Charles Eubanks and Hazel Morgan on Feb. 16; Ruby Sanders Sims and Larry Bradley on Feb. 17; Imogene Lundy on Feb. 18; Ruby Gabbat on Feb. 19; Lethia Purcell on Feb. 20; Bethany Harris on Feb. 21; and to Jordan Paige Doss on Feb. 22. My prayer is that each one of you have a great birthday and a wonderful year.
• Continue to pray for our country we really need these prayers and for our troops that are in harms way!
Evangeline Sloan is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Warrior, Corner and Hayden communities. She can be reached at 647-9655.