Garden tip: Check all plants for insects
Warrior, Corner and Hayden News by Evangeline Sloan
The North Jefferson News
Garden tip: Check all aphids, thrips and other plants; insects may be attacking them. One way to spray them is to mix two tablespoons dish liquid, one-fourth cup of ammonia and one-fourth cup brown mouth wash in a gallon of warm water. Spray plants with this mixture until it runs off.
• Happy birthday to: Kelly Jones on June 15; Phillis Patterson and Agnes Hays on June 16; and Greg Blackmon on June 18. May all have a great birthday.
• Congratulations are in order for Shannon Washington Passineau. She graduated from the UAB School of Dentistry on May 31. She attended Happy Hilltop Kindergarten and graduated from Corner High School in 2000. Her proud parents are Donna and Al Washington. Shannon and husband Michael will reside in Pittsburgh, Penn. Shan-non, we wish you well as you start your career as Dr. Passineau. She was a former student of mine.
• Happy birthday to a 2-year-old young man, Landon Daughetry, on June 17. Hope you have a great second birthday. Landon lives in Ward, Ark.
• Pray for Rispa Green. She will have a complete knee replacement on Tuesday. On Thursday, Matthew Thomas will have surgery for adenoid, tonsil and tubes in his ears. May God be with the two of you as you heal from these health problems.
• On June 21, The Camp Meeting Singers will travel to Red Bay to do a benefit for a rescue squad.
• Sympathy and prayers are needed for the families of Curtis Stover, Earl Russell and Charles McPherson. May God be with each of these families as they deal with their loss. Each one will be greatly missed.
• We need to pray for our troops that are in harms’ way and for the election that will be coming up.
Evangeline Sloan is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Warrior, Corner and Hayden communities. She can be reached at 647-9655.