Prayers go out to the people of Corner after the storms
Garden tip: If you have bugs starting to eat your plants, mix 1 cup of lemon-liquid dish soap and 1 cup of antiseptic mouthwash in a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer. Spray until you have run-off on each plant that is infested.
• Happy birthday greetings to Bailey Sloan on May 2. She is the daughter of Allan Sloan. Also, happy birthday to Sandra Husing on May 5 and to Diana Crittenden on May 6. May each one of you have a great day and year.
• Decoration Day will be at Mt. Zion Church and Cemetery on May 2. Cane Creek Cemetery, Stewart’s Chapel and the Warrior Cemetery have their decoration day on May 9. This is Mother’s Day too. To the mothers all over Alabama and the North Jefferson News viewing area, my hope is that every mother will have their best Mother’s Day ever. May God bless all mothers. The southern families respect their family members that have passed on, with decorating with flowers each decoration day.
• Happy anniversary to Wayne and Renee Bailey on May 5. May you have another great year together.
• The Blue Star Garden Club met Thursday. They enjoyed an auction and a plant swap. Thanks to every member for your great support.
• Our prayers are for the people in the Corner area that lost property on Saturday when the bad storm came through. Many thanks to the Corner volunteer fire department for their endless work helping clean the trees that had fallen across the roads blocking the highways in the Corner area. Again, many thanks guys and gals.
• Remember to pray for our troops that are in harm’s way and pray for our country.
Evangeline Sloan is The North Jefferson News correspondent for Warrior and Corner. She can be reached at 647-9655.