College football player gets married by his coach on practice field, and crushes the vows

Bishop Woods, a defensive lineman at Kentucky’s Murray State University, and his fiancee, Caitlin Myers, were looking for someone to marry them and, when Racers offensive line coach Brian Hamilton mentioned to Woods that he happens to be an ordained minister, the time – a Tuesday afternoon – and the place – the 50-yard line at Roy Stewart Stadium – were perfect. With his teammates looking on and Myers shielded by an umbrella, the ceremony was on and, while this seems impromptu, the vows were just perfect.

Woods promised to protect Myers from “spiders as well as all other insects, including ones that fly” and love her in health and in sickness, “even if that sickness is caused by mimosas or margaritas or any other cocktails that might become trendy in the future.” He also vowed to “have a solid answer for ‘what are you thinking about?’ at least 50 percent of the time.”

For her part, Myers vowed to stand by Woods in health and sickness, “even when that sickness is caused by losses by his team, any team he is coaching, the teams of his children or any team he supports or wagers on” and to “have a solid answer for ‘What do you want to eat?’ at least 50 percent of the time.”

All that aside, there were some pretty serious and touching promises between the two, who have been a couple for three years and welcomed a son four months ago. The two wept at the end of the ceremony, as Racers players cheered.

“We kind of made it up on the fly,” Woods, a senior from Atlanta, told ESPN. “Coach Ham is one of my favorite coaches. He’s been teaching me a lot of about fatherhood and other things.”

And Hamilton, who’s pretty good at this whole wedding thing, was only too happy to participate. “You get to be a part of kids’ lives,” Hamilton said. “It was fantastic for me to share that with them.”