Kimberly council passes “bare bones” 2015 budget
Members of the Kimberly City Council took a look at the proposed budget for 2015 with equal parts relief and disdain.
As in recent years, the budget is stripped to the bare essentials. It calls for $633.737.38 in expenses, to be covered by anticipated revenues of $705,071.38. That leaves a surplus of $71,334 — just about the 10 percent cushion that Councilwoman Donna Cude said the city tries to maintain.
“It’s pretty bare bones,” Cude said.
Councilman Brian Pharris was more blunt.
“We’re barely functioning. We’re not in debt, but we’re operating on a shoestring,” he said.
Mayor Bob Ellerbrock was a bit more optimistic.
“It’s a workable budget, and it’s much better than we were at the end of last year,” he said. “It’s hard to do, moving dollars around from one place to another.”
Kimberly has been hurt recently by a lack of retail business to supply sales-tax revenue. The bulk of tax revenue in the new budget comes from business licenses and ad valorem property taxes.
The council also heard from Fire Chief Brian Gober that the department’s main fire engine had returned from being repaired from damage inflicted by the April tornado. “There are still some issues with the brakes and the pump, but we can use it at a fire,” Gober said.