Kids park nears completion

Fultondale News by Sue McKay

The North Jefferson News

The City of Fultondale is creating a children’s park, located on the corner of Fulton and Stouts roads. If you are familiar with this area, this is the flood property that the city purchased a few years ago. The playground equipment was delivered a few days ago and it is being installed, the utilities are in for the lights and we are getting ready to install the fence. This will be a very nice addition to the city for the young children to enjoy.

• The new “drop off” pavilion is near completion at the Fultondale Senior Citizen’s facility. This will enable the seniors to be dropped of when the weather is bad and not get caught in the rain.

• Be sure and watch for the date of “World Day of Prayer” that will be coming up in the near future. This will be hosted by Walker Chapel Baptist Church.

• The junior varsity and varsity girls softball games will begin the first week of March. If you know young ladies that play on these teams, please make an effort to go watch and support them.

• The opening ceremony for the Fultondale Youth Association will be the afternoon of Friday, April 3. A parade will also be held on April 18 at 8:30 a.m.

• If you are interested in the “old car show” that we host in the Target Parking lot, you need to mark you calendars for Saturday, April 25. If you need additional information, contact Ed Hawkins at 841-4481. If you have never been, it is a great way to spend the afternoon by listening to oldies and walking around and looking at the classic vehicles.

• Our next council meeting will be March 9 at 6 p.m. and the next chamber of commerce meeting will be March 24 at Stix Japanese restaurant at 5:30 p.m.

• A special happy birthday wish goes to Brian Bookout of the Fultondale Gas Department on Feb. 28. Brian does a great job for the gas department and we hope he has a wonderful birthday and many more.

• I would like to send special “hello” to my Aunt Margaret Hogeland in Panama City, Fla. I miss and love you very much. Also to “Nema” and Edwin Thrasher who have moved off and left us. We miss you.

• Remember if you have news, birthdays, anniversaries or reunions, let me know.

Sue McKay is The North Jefferson News correspondent for Fultondale. She can be reached at 841-4481.