Agriplex taps Goat Island brewmaster to teach magic of making mead this month

Most DIY home brewers approach their hoppy hobby with a flavorful and well-fermented sense of discovery. But few have likely ventured deep enough into history’s heritage-beverage recipe book to uncover the recipe for a brew that’s downright medieval.

With a history that spans continents and eras, mead is a drink with a famously literary past — though it’s one that somehow hasn’t found much currency among the tap houses and high-output breweries that dot the present-day adult-beverage landscape. But the North Alabama Agriplex is getting set to open a whole vat of knowledge on the wonders of the mysterious brew this month, with a class that’s all about the so-called “drink of the gods.”

On Jan. 19, Goat Island brewmaster Matthew Schumacher will lead an evening crash course in the basics of the drink whose ingredients have been cultivated (and its output consumed) for thousands of years across the world. The 6 p.m. class costs $10 per person and is, of course, only for adults 21 and older.

Exploring the traditional fermented beverage made from a mix of honey, water, and yeast (or other bacterial culture) is just one of the fun and unique learning opportunities on tap at the Agriplex this month. Here’s a look at everything else the nonprofit has going on in January:

Adult Programs

Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. — Veteran & Beginning Farmer: Is there Free Money to Farm?

Explore financial resources for beginning and veteran farmers with representatives from agricultural agencies who’ll be on hand to talk about available opportunities at this free class. Contact Tony Glover at or 205-568-0005 to register.

Jan. 18 at 12 p.m. — Lunch & Learn: Instapot For Beginners

Come share a meal at this free class while Alex James and Marissa Griffin deliver tips about fun and fulfilling ways to prepare delicious food using an Instant Pot. Call ahead to reserve your seat (and your lunch).

Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. — Living Landscapes: Growing your very best tomatoes…

Tomatoes are just the start in a garden-growing program that covers row on row of knowledge on how to raise fresh vegetables. Kira Sims and Arnold Caylor will offer info on the best vegetable varieties, seed starting techniques, and production practices to use to grow delicious tomatoes and other veggies. Course cost is $10 per participant.

Children’s Programs

Jan. 12 at 12 p.m. — Heritage Homeschool (Secondary): Herpetology

Aimed at homeschoolers from grades 6 through 12, this month’s noontime class is all about amphibians and reptiles. Learn about snakes, turtles, lizards, and frogs courtesy of Green Snake Education. Course cost is $15 per person.

Jan. 13 at at 10 a.m. — Little Farmers Preschool Program: Seed Safari

Dig into the world of seeds — including planting your own to take home — in this class that explores fun topics for kids ages 3-5. Course cost is $5 per child.

Jan. 14 at 9 a.m. — Farm Kids Club: Wool Felting

Pattern out a plan for learning the basics of wet felting and needle felting at this Saturday morning class. Course cost is $20 per child.

Jan. 26 at 9 a.m. — Heritage Homeschool (Elementary): Makers — Woodworking

Just in time to craft your own Valentine’s Day memento, join local artisan Leldon Maxcy of Leldon’s Make and Take Woodworking — and make a take-home heart project that’s right for the occasion. Course cost is $20 per person; maximum class size is 20 people.