Lamar County Schools close to prevent flu

Published 6:47 pm Tuesday, January 28, 2020

VERNON, Ala. — All Lamar County Schools in Alabama will be closed for the rest of the week to prevent the further spread of the flu.

The school district made the announcement Tuesday shortly after noon, WTVA-TV reported. Students will return on Monday, Feb. 3.

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School Superintendent Vance Herron said 400 students at South Lamar School did not attend school Tuesday. The school has approximately 700 students. Twenty-two percent of students countywide missed class Tuesday.

Because of the sickness going around, Herron said he’s not sure if it’s flu or strep throat. He said he made the decision to shut down all county schools after Tuesday in the hopes the attendance will be better next week.

The school district’s cleaning staff will disinfect and wipe down the buildings on the days the students are away.

If a child is running a fever, don’t send the child back to school until 24 hours after the child is fever-free without medication, Herron recommends.