Hanceville moves to repeal tattoo ordinance
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 29, 2024
- Hanceville resident Kourtney Quick addresses the Hanceville City Council Thursday, May 9.
HANCEVILLE — The city of Hanceville moved to repeal a decades old ordinance Thursday, May 23, which set age restrictions on who would be allowed to receive tattoos or body piercings within the city limits.
The council introduced an amendment to its municipal code to repeal Ordinance No. 466. Approved in October 1998, the ordinance states anyone administering a tattoo or body piercing on an individual younger than the age 18 without receiving written parental consent would be subject to a fine of up to $500 and/or up to six months of hard labor service for the city.
City attorney Dan Willingham said the Alabama legislature had approved a statewide statute since the local ordinance had gone into effect which meant it was no longer necessary.
The Alabama law — which went into effect in 2000 — keeps the same age requirement, but carries a penalty of up to 90 days imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $100 for each violation.
Hanceville resident Kourtney Quick addressed the ordinance earlier this month while requesting the council revisit its zoning ordinance in order to allow her to open a tattoo shop in downtown Hanceville. Quick said she had received permission from a local business owner with available space, but had remaining questions about the city’s position on tattoo facilities.
Quick said she was aware of an ordinance relating to tattoo shops, but also knew they were not mentioned in the city’s zoning laws. Willingham clarified that the zoning ordinance only allows for businesses specifically mentioned within the ordinance. He told Quick that without amendments to the ordinance or the creation of a new zoning district, she would be unable to obtain a business license with the city.
Following the May 23 meeting, Willingham said the repeal of the 1998 ordinance would not pave the way for Quick to obtain a license as it does not affect local zoning regulations.
The council plans to revisit the discussion and decide whether or not to repeal the ordinance during its next scheduled meeting June 13.
In other business the council:
— Approved the purchase of two headsets from Mobile Communications America for $3,180.
— Approved for Mullins Building Products to install a steel, fireproof door in the Hanceville Municipal Jail for $2,421.
— Held the first reading to rezone property owned by Jonathan Black from R1 to B2.
— Announced the city’s 26th annual Tractor Show would be held at Wallace State Community College Saturday, June 8, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
— Announced the city’s annual rodeo would be held at the Cullman County Agricultural Center Saturday, June 29, at 7 p.m.