City schools honor long-time middle school football coach Gerald Turner
Published 2:00 pm Friday, November 17, 2023
- Lorene Howell is recognized as the support employee of the month.
The Cullman City School Board presented one of the district’s most notable middle school coaches with a resolution recognizing his long standing tradition of excellence.
In the 16 years Gerald Turner has spent as Cullman Middle School Head Football Coach he has earned 87 seventh-grade wins and 93 eighth-grade wins for a combined winning percentage of 83%.
In 2023, the seventh-grade team delivered their fifth undefeated season while the eighth-grade team delivered their seventh, with both earning the Tennessee Valley Middle School League championship titles.
Turner was recognized by the school board, who adopted a resolution in his honor, during its monthly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14.
“But more important than wins and losses, Coach Turner and his staff have built relationships with students who participate in their programs,” Superintendent Kyle Kallhoff said in his follow-up newsletter sent to The Times on Nov. 16.
Also recognized on Thursday were: Lorene Howell as the district’s support employee of the month, Brooke Olvey as certified teacher of the month and Cutter Green as student of the month.
Also included in Kallhoff’s newsletter was an announcement that Cullman Middle School would be opening the “round building” from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10. The building is scheduled to be demolished shortly after students return from Christmas break to make way for phase two of the campus capital improvement project.
Community members and alumnus are encouraged to walk the halls of the iconic building before it is removed.
In other business the board:
Approved contracts for the following teachers to provide after sc
- hool tutoring services for grades K-5: Sashari Caretti, Leslie Pouliot, Blakely Burns, Danielle Shelton, Courtney Speciale, Cortney Peed, Robin Smith, Candice Grobe, Brenda Darnell and Carrie Byrd.
- Granted Kallhoff permission to purchase the property located at 904 3rd Ave. NE.
- Approved a contract for Imagine Behavior Analysis and Milestones Behavior Group to provide behavior services.
- Revised the School Wellness Policy.
- Accepted a bid from River Region Sports Fields for improvements
- to the Cullman High School soccer field.
- Approved for the Cullman High School Marine Science class to visit the aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia Feb. 2, 2024.
- Accepted the following resignations: Madison Wilhite — Cullman City Primary School teacher, effective Dec. 15. Jarrod Helms — Cullman High School social science teacher, effective Dec. 15.
Approved for Kelly Barron to transfer from teacher at East and West Elementary to teacher at
- East Elementary and Cullman City Primary School.
- Approved the conditional employment for the following personnel: Jennifer Fisher — Science teacher at Cullman High School; Jenny Cochran — Central office receptionist/bookkeeper; Jessica Birge — School nurse to fill a leave of abscence at Cullman City Primary School from Jan. — May 2024.
Approved the following supplemental stipends: Tere Kelly — West Ele
- mentary technology assistant, Susan Boyd — Cullman High School fishing team coach, Spencer Allen — for video service for football practices and games, Brett Hazelrigs — Cullman Middle School math team sponsor.
- Terminated the following supplemental stipends: Jordan Stricklin — Cullman High School assitant JV boys soccer coach; Jarrod Helms — Cullman High School ninth-grade assistant football coach and JV assistant track coach;
- Michael Crocker — Cullman Middle School math team sponsor.