City of Cullman creates Public Safety Director position
Published 1:15 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The city of Cullman created a new municipal leadership position Monday, which shifted the roles of several of the city’s highly ranked firefighters.
Making quick work of the matter, the city council suspended the rules, which would require two public readings of an ordinance, to add the position of Public Safety Director to its municipal roster.
Council president Jenny Folsom said the director would primarily be charged with bringing more cohesion between the city’s police department, fire department and dispatch operators.
“We think this will make for a much stronger and more coordinated area in public safety in all areas of the city,” Folsom said.
The council quickly appointed fire chief Brian Bradberry to step into the newly created role and nominated assistant fire chief Darren Peeples to serve as interim fire chief.
Mayor Woody Jacobs used his time to recognize the service of the recently retired planning commission chairman Mike Voss. Jacobs said Voss had gained a reputation of being “fair but impartial” during his 16-year stint on the commission, the last 12 of which he acted as chairman.
Councilmember Clint Hollingsworth commended Voss on his career, much of which he said encompassed a tremendous amount of changes for the city.
“From 2007 until now, a lot of work [went on] and there were some issues that were touch and go. Mike did a fantastic job of taking the emotion out of these decisions and looking at it based on logic. That’s tough to do,” Hollingsworth said.
Voss noted that he was not alone in his decision to step down last month, mentioning a similar timeline as another Alabama legend.
“When I gave my resignation on Jan. 9 after 16 years, I figured it was time to move on. There’s a time for everything. I also want to point out that I probably had the same muse as some other notable person. You know, Nick Saban retired the next day,” Voss said.
In other business the council:
- Approved a special event request from Amanda Garrison for a “Cruise In” car show at Sonic Drive In held the second Friday of each month from March until October. Jacobs said he would work with Garrison to reschedule any conflicts with the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2nd Fridays events.
- Approved a special event request from Helen Allen for the annual Relay for Life on April 27 at Depot Park.
- Approved a 15% penalty for all taxes not paid on or before their due date. The penalty is increased to 30% after 30 days.