Birmingham Diocesan Day of Liturgical Formation held at Sacred Heart Church

Published 2:15 pm Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The first Birmingham Diocesan Day of Liturgical Formation was held recently with Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church hosting the event.

More than 600 lay church volunteers from every parish in North Alabama attended the day long seminar which began with Birmingham Diocesan Bishop Steven Raica celebrating Holy Mass. Speaking in both English and Spanish, he encouraged the church representatives to continue to bring Christ’s Holy Words to their parish communities, through their service as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion and music collaborators.

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Following the liturgical service, attendees broke into classes for each area of expertise according to their current position of church service for each parish. Led by numerous lay and religious instructors, the day long courses strengthened and highlighted the work currently being done, adding ways of expanding their endeavors.