Berlin eyes schools for possible CARES funding

Published 8:20 pm Monday, September 21, 2020

BERLIN — With more than 80 percent of its share of federal funds from the CARES Act still unspent, the Town of Berlin is looking for meaningful ways to use the money before it reverts to the Alabama General Fund at the end of the year.

Funds from the CARES Act (short for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) must be used for preventive and public safety measures relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, or for specific measures that can help mitigate the effects of the way the pandemic has altered the regular course of necessary activity.

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One way the town might help its residents, as well as the the wider community, is by helping kindergartens in both the Fairview and Holly Pond school districts buy plexiglass dividers, which would allow more students to gather at the same shared tables during class. Mayor Patrick Bates floated the idea — mentioned before at the town’s Aug. 17 council meeting — as a possible use for the funds, to be discussed further at the next regular council meeting.

Another possible use for the money might be the creation of gift boxes for residents, with items like hand sanitizer, masks, and cleaning supplies inside, he added. However the council decides to use the funds, said Bates, he’d rather see the money spent locally. “If we don’t have a legitimate use of the funds, let’s don’t use them,” he said. “But we’d really like to identify some things that would help the community, and use the money we have for our people here.”

At other business at its regular meeting Monday, the council:

  • Approved the purchase of a 5-gallon fire extinguisher for the Town Hall, as well as annual inspections for the device, from Alabama Fire & Safety Equipment.
  • Awarded a bid for sandblasting and powder coating of a donated sign to be used next year at the Farmers Market to Farmers Market sign
  • we have a sign/frame that was donated to Vinemont Welding & Fabrication at a cost of $450.
  • Approved a motion to seek bids on bush hogging services for cutting on town property, with the stipulation that the award must go to a provider who carries a minimum of $100,000 in liability insurance.
  • Approved invoices and payroll for the current financial period.
  • Approved the minutes of the Aug. 17 council meeting.