Letters To The Editor

Town should use own money before going to commission

We pay taxes to the government to provide services that we as individuals can’t provide for ourselves. I ...

Letters To The Editor

Remember those providing Thanksgiving bounty

This Thanksgiving Day, as we gather with family and friends to count our blessings, let’s give thanks for ...

Letters To The Editor

Thanks for Veterans Day program volunteers

A word of thanks to the Cullman VFW for their wonderful veterans program at Sportsman Lake Park; the ...

Letters To The Editor

Get rid of Conason

I have a leadership development ministry. We believe and teach the principle that good decisions are based on ...

Letters To The Editor

Support Fairview schools stadium endeavor

Fairview High School has a large problem with their stadium. People come in to enjoy football, track and ...

Letters To The Editor

Stick to water

After living in many cities around the United States and the State of Alabama, it is interesting to ...

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