Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: Thank you, Cullman County, for your worldwide gifts

I am writing to thank Cullman-area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need ...

Letters To The Editor

Other view: Keep superintendent appointed

Cullman County desperately needs to vote to keep an appointed Superintendent in the next election from Cullman County ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: Cullman City Council turned backs on community

I really don’t like writing this letter but my feelings are running so deeply that I feel I ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter to the editor) Great event, photo

Great event, photo Your reporter/photographer, Amanda Shavers, captured the pure essence of childhood delight with her picture on ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Photo captures essence of the moment

Your photographer, Amanda Shavers, captured the pure essence of childhood delight with her picture on the front page ...

Letters To The Editor

Elected officials let constituents down on lottery vote

Elected officials let constituents down on lottery vote Once again our state legislators have put their ‘interests’ ahead ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter to the Editor) Thankful for entertaining events, holiday magic

Once again our city has flourished as we celebrated Oktoberfest. Many thanks to the CULLMAN City Council, the ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter to the Editor) Vote ‘no’ on sales tax

Cullman County is proposing an increase to the already overly burdensome sales tax to supplement the schools’ facilities ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter to the Editor) Thank you for publicizing Purple Heart ceremony

I want to thank Ben Bullard and The Cullman Times for the article written before our ceremony (Finis ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter to the Editor) Appalled by Lane Hill dismissal

I was a teacher/counselor at Cullman Middle School until retirement in 2012. Lane Hill is one of the ...

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