Breaking news

Sheriff: All Cullman roads impassable

CULLMAN CO SHERIFF: Per EMA, all roads in Cullman County are now deemed unpassable until further notice.


County declares state of emergency ahead of approaching winter storm

With Cullman County soon to fall under a winter storm warning along with the rest of north Alabama, ...


Local realtor files lawsuit against developer of Smith Lake Resort

The owner of Lake League Real Estate, Melissa Curtis, has filed a lawsuit against local developer and chairman ...


Holly Pond announces future AutoZone location

A remodel of the former Holly Pond Dollar General building is set to begin within the next several ...

Local News

(Update) Voters reject proposal to increase taxes on local medical cannabis sales

Cullman County voters rejected a ballot referendum Tuesday, Nov. 6, which would have placed an additional 15 percent ...

Local News

Salute to Veterans:

Six service members who gave their best for their nation have been inducted into the Cullman County Veterans ...


In our area

Email community happenings to At the Foot of the Cross Church events At The Foot Of The ...

Local News

Jury finds Bremen man not guilty of murdering 11-year-old girl in 1988

A jury has found an Alabama man not guilty of killing an 11-year New Hampshire girl more than ...

Local News

‘This is the way you speak your voice’

FAIRVIEW — Two Cullman County schools have been preparing a new generation of voters by discussing the importance ...

Local News

Holly Pond approves upgrades to Governor’s Park

HOLLY POND — Holly Pond residents may have already noticed some changes beginning to take shape in Governor’s ...

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