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Peyton Manning carving new path to greatness

Most everyone knew it was coming, but the headline shocked people across Indiana to the core: “Colts release ...

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Will the lights go out on Friday nights?

Many of us will travel Friday night to cheer on the local high school team. It’s a reoccurring ...

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Real battle for Heisman Trophy begins

The race for the Heisman Trophy is like a political campaign. There’s jockeying for position among the pretenders ...

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RG3 needs time to recover, physically and mentally

Life is lonely for the leaders docked along the Potomac River. President Obama seems distracted, Speaker Boehner appears ...

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True student-athletes no longer exist

Here’s what I found shocking about recent investigative reports from Yahoo! Sports about five SEC players receiving illegal ...

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Tebow’s NFL failures don’t diminish previous success

The NFL is one game into the 2013 season and Tim Tebow is somewhere he’s not been for ...

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NFL concussion settlement no victory for safety

The NFL concussion settlement had both sides cheering the outcome of the case. The league will kick in ...
