Countywide tree giveaway set for Thursday

Published 10:11 am Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A countywide program to replace trees damaged during the April 2011 tornadoes is set to begin Thursday. Approximately 3,000 saplings will be given away to Cullman County residents from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. to replace trees on private property.

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Festhalle Market Platz in downtown Cullman, and the Hanceville Recreation Center in Hanceville, will serve as distribution points. Nearly two dozen different species of trees will be available.

Local officials are excited about the program, which will at least begin to replace the thousands of trees damaged or uprooted by the viscous storms last year. An exact total of how many trees the county lost is unknown, though officials say the number is easily in the thousands.

“We’re really excited and pleased about this, because although we were fortunate not to lose any lives in the City of Cullman, we did have a lot of houses and businesses damaged,” city council member, and tree commission member, Jenny Folsom said. “Now, I think a lot of people are really starting to miss those big trees. It’ll take more than my lifetime to re-grow, but we’re going to start now for the future. It’s an ongoing process, but we’re getting there.”

Residents receiving trees are encouraged to look for clear space to plant trees, and are being asked not to plant any underneath power lines, or around any other infrastructure.

In honor of the event, the city is also planning a Tree City dedication ceremony in front of city hall at 10 a.m. Thursday.

The effort is funded by the Alabama Forestry Commission’s Alabama Tree Recovery Program.

Different types of trees expected to be available include: Black Gum, Beauty Berry, Shumard Oak, Cherry Bark Oak, Nutall Oak, Sawtooth Oak, Overcup Oak, Green Ash, Crepe Myrtle, Red Bud, Chinese Elm, Bald Cypress, Japanese Maple, Chickasaw Plum, Oak Leaf Hydrangea, River Birch, Crabapple, Long Leaf Pines, Flowering Dogwood and Northern Red Oak.


‰ Trent Moore can be reached by e-mail at, or by telephone at 734-2131, ext. 220.