‘I couldn’t ask for anything better’: Harmony School holds surprise homecoming for father returning from deployment

Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 5, 2025

JONES CHAPEL — It was a typical dreary morning outside of Harmony Elementary School Wednesday, March 5, but the scene inside the gymnasium was one more akin to the Fourth of July during a last-minute patriotic assembly.

“Some may think it’s strange to have a patriotic program on a random Wednesday in March,” Cassie Swan, one of the leaders of the Harmony Parent, Teacher Organization, said during the assembly. “But, it’s always a great day to celebrate our great country, America.”

Some students paired red, white and blue leis with matching Hawaiian shirts while waving miniature American flags as 4th-grade teacher Heather Lynn sang the national anthem.

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Swan then invited three members of the Herring family, Laura, Carter and Emme, to lead the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. Swan described the family as integral to members of the Harmony community. Laura often serves as a substitute teacher while Carter and Emme are both students at the school.

Before exiting the stage, Swan said she would like to present Carter and Emme with one additional recognition, a “Bravery Award” for the resilience both students have shown since their father, Alabama National Guard Commander Tyler Herring, was deployed with his Engineering Unit to assist with construction projects in Eastern Africa a year ago.

Unbeknownst to the children, it was Commander Herring who entered from the opposite side of the stage to present his children with their awards.

After a lengthy embrace, Swan explained that Laura had learned that her husband would be returning home approximately one week ago and quickly rallied the Harmony community to organize the memorable homecoming reception.

“It was really amazing,” Commander Herring said following the reception. “To see the amount of support we have in this community, I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

Both Herring children were dismissed from school for the remainder of the day to enjoy some long overdue quality time with their father. Carter was understandably bashful at the amount of attention the family received after the crowd was dismissed, but after some coaxing from his parents said he was excited to start hunting and fishing with his dad again. However, Laura said there was one destination the family was going to be prioritizing.

“We told them that we could take a trip anywhere they wanted to as soon as Tyler got home,” Laura said. “They said they wanted to go to Disney World.”