New Sacred Heart organ blessing ceremony Sunday, Jan. 26
Published 3:49 pm Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in downtown Cullman will celebrate the blessing of its newly installed organ Sunday, Jan. 26, during the Mass celebration at 9 a.m. The long awaited musical instrument made by the Austin Organ Company, began its long journey to the 150 year-old Catholic Church in downtown Cullman more than a year ago. The previous organ in the church choir loft was 100-years-old and had belonged to two Baptist churches in Atlanta, prior to finding a home at Sacred Heart of Jesus. An electrical fire in the choir loft was discovered in 2022 before it could damage the loft, organ and church.
A fundraising campaign was started and meetings with members of the Austin Organ Company of Connecticut helped determine the type of organ wanted by the church committee, under the direction of Keith Ellard, chairman. As with the previous organ, donors contributed with large and small sums of money.
On Sunday, Fr. Abbott Marcus Voss, OSB, of St. Bernard Monastery in Cullman, will join with the parish family of Sacred Heart of Jesus in blessing the new organ.
The community is invited to celebratory receptions in the Family Life Center following both the 7 and 9 a.m. Masses.
On Feb. 16, Sacred Heart of Jesus will host an organ dedication and concert from 2-3 p.m. in the church. Special guest organist will be Bruce E. Ludwick, organist and director of music for the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Birmingham. He will be joined by the senior design engineer of Austin Organs, who also serves as organist and assistant music director for Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Suffield, Connecticut.