Cullman County Commission considers road equipment purchases

Published 3:00 am Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Cullman County Commission discussed a request from county engineer Philip Widner which would shift American Rescue Plan funds away from the planned renovation of the Cullman County Agricultural Trade Center to replace aging road equipment during a work session preceding the July 16, monthly meeting.

With ARPA funds’ statutory deadline of Dec. 31 quickly approaching and the Ag Center project experiencing unexpected delays, county administrator John Bullard suggested the council use the $1 million allocated for the renovation to cover equipment purchases Widner said could help the Road Department catch up on its paving and mowing efforts.

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The commission recently agreed to purchase a rented paving machine, but Widner said the department was still in desperate need of several pieces of equipment, most notably a new shoulder machine. Widner said the department’s current machine was manufactured sometime during the late 1960s or early 70s. He said because of its age, it had become difficult to make the frequent repairs needed to continue operations and that often times parts had to be specially machined from Apel Steel.

Widner said he had already priced a new machine capable of creating six foot shoulders through the Alabama Association of County Commissions for roughly $180,000.

In addition to the shoulder machine Widner said other needs included three tractors used for bushhogging, several hydraulic durapatchers and smaller attachments such as rollers and brooms.

Bullard said if approved, the Ag Center renovation funds could easily be repaid from the Road Departments upcoming yearly budget.

Commissioner Kelly Duke recommended to postpone making a decision until the next scheduled meeting until it was provided an update on the renovation project and no official action was taken.

In other business the commission:

— Approved to change the speed limit on County Road 1583 to 30 m.p.h.

— Approved to change the speed limit on County Road 1621 to 35 m.p.h.

— Authorized local matching funds for CARTS.

— Authorized the filing of a 5311 grant application.

— Approved to submit a $1 million grant application for a Recreational Trails Program grant program through the Alabama Department Economic and Community Affairs for cabins, storage facility, and equipment at Stony Lonesome OHV Park.

— Authorized EMA Director Tim Sartin to submit warehouse surplus property application to FEMA and State EMA to be placed into the Cullman County Commission/Cullman County EMA name.

— Approved the 2024 Cullman County Rebuild Alabama Contractor Report.

— Approved a $13,480 repair to a Trane HVAC unit at the Cullman County Detention Center.

— Approved the three-year subscription with ESRI for revenue mapping software at the annual cost of $58,500.

— Approved the purchase of two 2024 Ford F-150 Super Crew 4×4 trucks in the amount of $44,009 each.

— Surplussed a 2019 Jeep Compass from the Revenue Department.

— Approved a preliminary plat for the North Vinemont Subdivision located on County Road 1371.

— Approved a preliminary plat for the Indian Springs Subdivision located on County Road 1371.

— Approved the bid for gasoline and diesel fuel to B and B Petroleum Products, LLC.

— Approved the bid for lawn care and maintenance at various locations to Pro Lawn.

— Approved the bid for aggregate to Wiregrass Construction Company, Vulcan Materials Company and C.A. Langford Company based on vicinity and availability.