(Our view) The cost of freedom
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Twenty-three years have passed since terrorists crashed passenger planes into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, claiming nearly 3,000 lives and ushering in an age of fear and uncertainty in the free world.
For the families who lost loved ones, the horror of Sept. 11, 2001, will remain. Thousands of husbands, wives and children left for work on what started as a routine day. By midday the nation was in turmoil and world watched in disbelief. Those nearly 3,000 victims were assaulted and killed by men who were filled with malice and no respect for life. Many more suffered terrible injuries and the scars of remembering what happened on that day.
The American people held together firmly during those trying days after the attacks. Great acts of compassion came out of the tragedy and the nation became more vigilant. But life has never been the same.
While citizens go about their daily lives, the watchfulness of government has become more efficient in an effort to prevent attacks. The effort has generally worked, but some Americans are concerned that government has become too intrusive. Maintaining the unique freedoms and liberties of the United States has been challenging since the rise of terrorism on Sept. 11.
Nonetheless, the nation carries on with Americans generally enjoying the lifestyle that was ensured by the sacrifices of long ago. And since the ugly dawning of the age of terrorism, Americans have become more concerned about issues such as immigration, the cost of maintaining freedom and the future security of our land.
The strength of post-9/11 America remains its commitment to freedom, tolerance and acceptance of the role as the world’s beacon for liberty. The cruelty of terrorists attacks 12 years ago should be remembered in detail. The victims that day were truly innocent and their memory stands as a testimony that freedom truly comes with a high cost.