CCBOE serves up bid to expand West Point cafeteria

Published 4:30 pm Friday, October 14, 2022

The Cullman County Board of Education kept its regularly scheduled October meeting brief Thursday, Oct. 13, leaving themselves plenty of time to attend their second community meeting held at 6 p.m. in Vinemont. The board did however use the meeting to approve a bid that will bring significant renovations to the West Point campus.

The approval of a bid submitted by the maintenance department of $2.4 million was the first step that will result in an expanded cafeteria and the replacement of portions of the existing roof at West Point. While the bid is more than the intended budget for the project, CCBOE Superintendent Shane Barnette said that the increased cost was inevitable.

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“With the current way our economy is right now [the bid] actually came in about $400,000 over budget, but some of the things that were added that we didn’t know that the state made us add. We’re having to sprinkle the old part of the lunchroom and we’re having to run a new water line from a pretty far distance to get the needed water for such a large sprinkler system,” Barnette said.

Also Thursday, the board intended to recognize Shannon Bridges on receiving The Science for Society-High School Research Teachers Certificate, but was unable to do so due to her absence.

The board also elected members Gene Sullins and Mike Graves to serve as representatives for the Alabama Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly taking place on Dec. 1.

In other business the board:

• Approved to pay Samuel Eric Allred for up to five unused annual leave days.

• Approved a request from Cold Springs Elementary/High School to pay Bruce Parker $30 per hour for detention.

• Approved a request from Fairview High School to pay a supplement to the following football coaches to be paid by the Fairview Quarterback Club: David W. Carrell ($500), George Redding Jr. ($2,500), and Brian Simmons ($1,500).

• Approved a request from Hanceville Middle School to pay Kimberly Kanaday as the Middle School Volleyball Bookkeeper ($15 per match for 16 matches).

• Approved a request from Hanceville Middle School to pay Kimberly Kanaday as the Middle School Basketball Bookkeeper ($15 per games for an estimated 54 games).

• Approved a request from Holly Pond High School to pay Scott Graham $350 and Matthew Wood $350 for brush cutter work performed at Holly Pond High School.

• Approved Heather Jones as personnel for the Harmony Afterhours Program.

• Approved a request from the Child Nutrition Program for Cynthia Barton (Good Hope High School), Ashley Harris (Parkside), and Connie Duke (West Point High School) to work the At-Risk program as needed.

• Approved the following employees to serve of the 2022-2023 Sick Leave Bank Committee: Bethany Parker and Daniel Weaver (Certified), Melissa ‘Lisa’ Holcombe and William Shane Martin (Classified), and Ed Roberson and Danielle Marcum (Board Representatives).

• Approved the following out-of-state field trip requests: Vinemont Elementary 3rd grade class visiting Chattanooga, TN on November 10, 2022, West Point High School Scholars Bowl Team attending the National Invitational Tournament in Glasgow, KY on January 27, 2023, and Good Hope High School Boys Basketball Team attending the Christmas Basketball Tournament in Pigeon Forge, TN December 26-30, 2022.

• Approved the request from the Transportation Department to increase the hourly rate of pay for Shuttle Routes to $15 per hour effective October 3, 2022.

• Approved the request from the Transportation Department to pay Misty Gaines, Jennifer Manasco, and Mark Whitley their regular hourly rate of pay for new substitute bus driver training.