City approves sales tax waiver to get ahead of next year’s storm season

Published 9:45 am Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The weather outside may be frightfully chilly, but local municipal governments already have their eyes on another kind of scary weather — the kind that typically comes around three or four months after Christmas.

At its regular meeting this week, the Cullman City Council agreed that city businesses will once again take part in next year’s statewide Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday. Held in February, the weekend-long event waives Alabama sales tax on the purchase of qualifying goods to help gear up for the springtime stormy season.

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By approving the measure, the council agreed to waive local sales taxes on eligible items bought inside the City of Cullman in addition to the built-in $.04 break on state sales taxes. Together, Cullman shoppers will be spared a total of $.09 on every dollar they spend on goods that comply with the state’s listing of eligible weather preparedness items.

For a listing of items that qualify for the sales tax waiver, visit the Alabama Department of Revenue’s tax holiday landing page online at The 2023 Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday will take place during the weekend that spans Feb. 24 to Feb. 26 of next year.

In other business at its regular meeting, the council:

Adopted the official schedule of city council meetings for the coming 2023 calendar year. The schedule will be viewable throughout the year via a link at the city council’s website at

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  • Approved a special event request from Kelly Pulliam of Cullman Parks and Recreation to hold a Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony in Depot Park on Friday, Dec. 2 from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m.
  • Approved a separate special event request from Pulliam to host the 2nd annual Christkindlmarkt on Friday, Dec. 9 and Saturday, Dec. 10 from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. on both days, and on Sunday, Dec. 11 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
  • Appointed Joel Moon, a nominee of council member Johnny Cook, to fill a vacancy on the city Tree Commission.

Appointed Edgar Veigl, a nominee of council member Brad Smith, to a four-year term on the Tree Commission.

  • Appointed Rachel Dawsey, a nominee of council member Clint Hollingsworth, to a four-year term on the Tree Commission.
  • Approved the minutes of the council’s Nov. 7 regular meeting.