VETERAN VOICE: Prayer ideas to share

Published 6:33 pm Thursday, April 16, 2020

Last week, I mentioned that with all the spare time we all have that we could call each other on the phone, maybe text each other and perhaps most importantly of all, we could pray for each other. Since this is Easter Week, I want to extend this last part about praying into this week’s Veterans Voice. There seem to be a number of specific prayer ideas that we could (and should) share with one another.

  1. About the Coronavirus Pandemic (and its subsequent problems): We haven’t seen such a widespread and incredibly contagious disease in our lifetimes. We should always pray that God, in His infinite wisdom, would shield and protect us and our families from COVID-19. This is especially true for those Veterans that are somewhat older than the general population.
  2. About our Isolated, lockdown quarantines – Being kept at home, except for special circumstances, really bothers some of us, if not most of us. This is usually an active time of the year with the beginning of Spring, Easter and all. Sadly, our times with family and friends will not occur this year. We have been told to stay home to avoid contracting or spreading this dread ailment. The wise ones of us will follow this restriction.
  3. About those who already have COVID-19 and are possibly facing fatal consequences. Sadly, not only are older persons (with or without other health issues) candidates for this virus, but we have seen members of our population from EVERY age group from babies to seniors die from this Pandemic. This tends to make our prayers most urgent for others than just Veterans.
  4. About the First Responders and caring individuals who come in contact with the virus while trying to help others, It is also sadly ironic, those who are first to help may need help themselves. From law enforcement to nurses, doctors, EMTS to even grocery clerks, COVID-19 can be a possible outcome.
  5. About the higher rates of suicide happening now – We already see around 20 Veteran suicides PER DAY and there seems to be an increase due to our quarantines and other Coronavirus aspects. Potential suicides need our almost constant prayer!
  6. About our vastly overcrowded hospitals – We have seen some very creative and brilliant ways to use other types of building (or tents, etc.) to add beds for COVID-19 victims. We still need to pray for all the places of Coronavirus treatment which goes along with praying for First Responders.
  7. About the horrible funeral problems facing families (for COVID-19 or other deaths) during these lockdown, no more than 10 folks, rules. These necessary rules make a sad time even sadder for many families. They need our prayers, too.
  8. About people who have no jobs during this quarantine period – Even with relaxed rent and mortgage situations, near 20 MILLION workers have applied for unemployment. Some of these jobs, especially in small businesses, may NEVER come back!
  9. About school children whose educations have been interrupted – by closings and shifting to home school options,. The kids may like it now, but what about future grades and school possibilities?
  10. About our leaders moving too quickly to “put America back to work” – Regardless of how bad the economy looks, human lives may be at stake if we move too swiftly. Pray that the right decisions will be made!
  11. About the VA – Many Veterans appointments, group sessions and other needs have been shut down or changed. Pray that those of us in need can get back to some degree of medical normalcy.

Suggestions for prayers are just that suggestions. There are probably many more! You might also pray that those who don’t know Christ as their Savior will find the right answers, right now!

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