Fultondale Happenings: Follow the guidelines this Easter

Published 10:47 am Monday, April 6, 2020

As we enter into the month of April, which should be of celebration of the Easter Season we are consumed with the thoughts of the COVID-19 virus. 

Easter will still come and we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ, but it will probably be a little different this year. Maybe we will be more attentive and more thankful that our families are safe and healthy. I am sure there will be  Easter egg hunts, but probably on a smaller scale to just include family and that should be the most important anyway.

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We need to all do our part to protect ourselves, our families and friends. Please  follow the rules the Health Department and Government is providing to us each day.

So if you feel God has left us remember—For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” during these times we must walk by faith not by feeling because God has promised in His word that He will be with us. That is how we know He is there.

God Bless you all!

Sue McKay is the North Jefferson News correspondent for Fultondale. She can be reached at 841-6559.