Christmas Open House set for November

Published 10:02 pm Friday, October 16, 2020

In a year that’s mostly been a Grinch for large gatherings, at least Christmas appears safe. In a break from convention aimed at involving as many businesses as possible, the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce is inviting businesses anywhere and everywhere in Cullman County to take part in a countywide Christmas open house event set for next month.

The Cullman Area Christmas Open House is set for a mid-November weekend, beginning on Friday, Nov. 13 and running through Sunday, Nov. 15. Unlike previous Chamber-staged events, this one won’t be limited to Chamber member businesses, and it won’t cost participating retailers any money to join in. Coming at the end of a long lockdown when many local businesses have seen their revenues suffer, it’s a way to drive some much-needed traffic back into local stores early in the holiday season, Chamber board member Josh Wiggins said at a Friday announcement event.

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This year’s open house — the 30th annual Christmas outing hosted by the Chamber — will help any area business promote its holiday-season sales through the Nov. 13-15 weekend by joining forces with the City of Cullman and the Cullman County Commission. Combined, their marketing dollars will help get the word out, via advertising and social media blasts, to everyone in a 60-mile radius from Huntsville and Birmingham — places whose residents are more than happy drive an hour to enjoy some traditional Christmas sights and sounds, after a long lockdown summer.

In order to register your business for the open house, visit and be ready to boost your traffic with a tied-in promotion that includes an in-store giveaway for customers, decorating for the season, and hanging the provided promotion poster where customers can’t miss it.