Cullman Middle School Archery praised by school board
Published 12:45 am Saturday, May 20, 2023
- Members of the Cullman Middle School Archery Team received praise from the Cullman City School Board on Tuesday, May 16.
After applauding the East Elementary Archery Team for an undefeated 2022-2023 season during last month’s board meeting, Cullman City Schools offered similar praise to the Middle School Archery team on Thursday, May 16.
Just before calling the monthly meeting to order, Superintendent Kyle Kallhoff invited the team and CMS Principal Jake Johnson to take the stage to be recognized.
Kallhoff discussed several high points of the team’s season including ranking 2nd in the State Archery Tournament and 1st in the Alabama International Bowhunters Organization tournament. Most recently, Kallhoff said he attended the National Archery in Schools Program tournament, held in Louisville, Ky. last weekend, where he witnessed the archers rank 11th out of the 240 competing middle school teams.
Kallhoff added that he was equally impressed by the way the students carried themselves and represented the district while away from the range.
“Generally when you get a group of middle school and high school students together, and there were a bunch of them, you’ll get some interesting things going on. But, I’ve got to say I was so proud of the way of how our students carried themselves and behaved,” Kallhoff said.
With Thursday’s meeting being the last of the school year, Kallhoff made sure to mention upcoming literacy and numeracy programs, scheduled to begin June 5, which would be taking place at West Elementary. While these programs took place on the West Elementary campus last year, Kallhoff said a number of planned summer projects made the location more feasible than continuing the usual rotating hosting schedule. The upcoming projects mentioned by Kallhoff include:
- Refinishing the hardwood floors at East Elementary.
- Renovating a number of restrooms at the high school, middle school and East Elementary.
- Completing HVAC upgrades and repainting the lunchroom at West Elementary
- Begin the process of adding an additional parking lot to the Cullman High School behind the softball field. Kallhoff said the projected completion for this project was sometime in October.
- Begin constructing a maintenance facility across from the soccer field.
Kallhoff also mentioned the possibility addressing drainage issues at the Cullman High School quad.
In other business the board:
Approved the following action items
- Approval of the purchase of the property located at 902 3rd Ave NE Cullman, AL 35055
- Approval of proposed Cullman City Schools Non-resident Policy
- Approval of School-based In School Suspension Teacher Job Description
- Approval of Stipend for M’Kori Johnson and Kalysha Whittle (Cullman City Primary School’s Safety Team) to attend the TAASRO Conference June 5-9,2023
- Approval for the following Head Start employees to receive astipend for professional development training on July 27,2023
- Teachers: Patricia Johnson, Stephanie Childers, &Jade Fitzgerald
- Assistants: Kayla Rogers &Leigh Anne Combs
- Contract with Karla Rodriguez to provide Verbal and Written Translator services from June 1,2023 — July 31,2023
- Contract with John Drake to provide CTE PD services May 30,2023 -August 1,2023 at Cullman High School
- Contract with Deanna Little to provide secretarial duties June 5,2023 -July 21,2023 at West Elementary School
- Contract with Kalysha Whittle to provide Head Start Plans July 1,2023 -July 31,2023 at Cullman City Primary School
- Contract with Brandi Outzen to provide secretarial duties June 1,2023 -July 31,2023 at Cullman City Primary School
- Contract with Ryan Johnson to provide secretarial duties June 1,2023 -July 31,2023 at Cullman City Primary School
- Contract with Ann Davis to provide cleaning/maintenance services June 1,2023 -July 31,2023 at Cullman City Primary School
- Contract with Tera Thomas to provide school planning/placement services July 1,2023 -July 31,2023 at Cullman City Primary School
- Contract with the following nurses to provide nursing services from June 28,2023 -July 31,2023 I. Jennifer Shugarts, Shan Goodlett, Reeta Morrow, Dori Potter, and Amanda Baker
- Contract with the following employees to provide coaching duties/responsibilities
- Sashari Caretti, Courtney Speciale, and Krista Johnson from June 23,2023 -July 31,2023 II. Blakely Burns from May 29,2023 to July 31,2023
- Lindsay Harris from July 1,2023 -July 31,2023
- Contract
- with Madison Wilhite to provide Summer Camp Teacher/Sub services from June 1,2023 -June 27,2023
- Contract with Kylie Bates and Glenda Bates to provide Reading Camp Sub services from June 1,2023 — June 27,2023
- Contract with Nina Jones to provide Summer Camp Sub services from June 1,2023 -June 22,2023
- Contract with the following employees to provide school prep services for the 2023-24 school year on July 31,2023Lucero Michaus, Jade Fitzgerald, Marie Johnson, Leigh Anne Combs, Stephanie Childers, Kayla Rogers
Approved the following Head Start Items
- Partnership Agreement with Dr. Katherine Stidham for Dental Screenings
- Contract with Dr. Katherine Stidham to provide Dental Services
- Health/Nutrition/Disabilities/Enrollment Report for April 2023
- SF425 Semi-Annual Report for Grant 04CH01070405 for period ending March 31,2023
- SF425 Semi-Annual Report for Grant 04HE00112501C6 for period ending March 31,2023 SF425 Final Report for Grant 04HE00112501C6 for period ending March 31,2023
- SF425 Semi-Annual Reportfor Grant 04HE00112501C5 for period ending March 31,2023 SF425 Final Report for Grant 04HE00112501C5 for period ending March 31,2023
- SF428 Report for Grant 04HE001125
- Final ACF Performance Progress Report for Grant 04HE001125
- Job Description -Head Start Special Education Teacher
- Approval of the Head Start 2023-2024 Calendar
- Approval for Mr. Wayne Cook to begin an International Travel Club at Cullman High School W. Approval of the Cullman City Schools Credit Recovery Plan
Approved the following retirements
- Lori Andrews -Special Education Teacher at Cullman High School, effective June 1, 2023
- Sheree Parris -General Education Teacher at East Elementary School effective June 1, 2023
- Approved the following reassignments:
- Lindsey Howard -Reassigned from aReading Specialist at East Elementary
- School to aGeneral Education Teacher at East Elementary School, effective August 2, 2023
- Kassey Cox -Reassigned from aReading Specialist at Cullman City Primary School to aGeneral Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School, effective August 2, 2023.
Accepted the following resignations
- Harper Marshall -General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School, effective May 26, 2023
- Hannah Hunt -Student Council sponsor at East Elementary, effective May 26, 2023
- Kim Davis -Morning Extended Day Program Teacher at East Elementary School, effective April 28, 2023
- Renata Puckett -Special Education Teacher at Cullman Middle School, effective June 1, 2023
- Averie Harris -Special Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School, effective May 26, 2023
- Regan Wood -Disabilities Assistant at Cullman City Head Start, effective May 26, 2023
- Bailey Battles -Physical Education Assistant at Cullman City Primary School, effective May 26, 2023
- Ashton Linder -General Education Teacher at East Elementary School, effective May 26, 2023
- Lindsey Howard -General Education Teacher at East Elementary School effective May 26, 2023
- Makensi Arnold -Extended Day Assistant Teacher at West Elementary School, effective May 24, 2023.
Accepted the following transfers
- Madeline Files -Transfer from General Education Teacher at West
- E
- lementary School to General Education Teacher at East Elementary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-021)
- Madison Wilhite -Transfer from General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School to General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School (at West Elementary School until 2nd Grade moves to Cullman City Primary School), effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-020)
- Jessica Lowry -Transfer from Speech Language Pathologist at East Elementary School to Speech Language Pathologist at Cullman City Schools (Itinerant), effective August 2, 2023
- Blakely Burns -Transfer from Dyslexic Intervention Teacher at East and
- West Elementary Schools to ARI Local Reading Specialist at Cullman City Primary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-043)
- Chloe Woodley -Transfer from General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School to General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School (at East Elementary School until 2nd Grade moves to Cullman City Primary School), effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-020)
- Amber Corley -Transfer from Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher at Cullman City Head Start to General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-020)
Approved the conditional employment of
- Makayla Loveday -General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School (at West Elementary School until 2nd Grade moves to Cullman City
- Primary School), effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-020)
- Amanda Hughes -General Education Teacher at Cullman City Primary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-020)
- Kacy Burroughs -General Education Teacher at East Elementary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-021)
- Emily Smallwood -Morning Extended Day Program Teacher at East Elementary School, effective May 1,2023 (JV22-102)
- Melissa Reynolds -Student Services Coordinator at Cullman City Schools, effective June 12, 2023 (JV23-027)
- Jessica McBrayer -School-based In-School Suspension Teacher at Cullman City Schools, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-040)
- Jason Parrish -General Education Teacher at East Elementary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-039)
- Nicolle Key -General Education Teacher at West Elementary School, effective August 2, 2023 (JV23-038)
Approved one day unpaid leave for Jessica Shultz on May 17, with board member Joey Orr abstaining to avoid a conflict of interest due to her relation to Shultz.