(Letter to the editor) Great event, photo

Published 3:00 am Thursday, May 26, 2022

Great event, photo

Your reporter/photographer, Amanda Shavers, captured the pure essence of childhood delight with her picture on the front page of the Times on Tuesday, May 17. The expression on the face of one-year old Sam Herz of Cullman as he rested on the tire rim of a John Deere tractor is priceless! Cullman Electric Coop sponsored a ‘Touch a Truck’ event for area residents to visit with local workers, emergency personnel and others who hold jobs as protectors and serve in areas that benefit the Cullman community. You know that expression “It takes a village…!”

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Sam and his family were among the many attendees to take part in this activity and from the look on his beautiful face and sun- kissed cheeks, he certainly enjoyed himself! and his picture made us smile in turn. Many thanks, Amanda, for always being in the right place at the right time! No wonder Ms. Shavers wins so many photography awards!!!