Aderholt returns to quarantine

Published 10:33 am Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Congressman Robert Aderholt has returned to quarantine after his wife tested positive for COVID-19. Aderholt had quarantined for two weeks following exposure to someone who’d tested positive to the disease.

In a statement Wednesday, Aderholt said, “As I had previously let everyone know, I had gone into quarantine after being near someone who later tested positive for Covid-19. I had isolated myself from my wife Caroline and son Robert Hayes as well. (Our daughter Mary Elliott is in school at Auburn.). When my quarantine ended, I was once again around Caroline and Robert Hayes. Unfortunately, about the time we were reunited, Caroline began to feel like she was getting a head cold, and late Tuesday she tested positive for Covid-19. Thankfully, she has mild symptoms, and Robert Hayes remains symptom free. I also remain symptom free. However, I will once again, according to medical guidelines, go back into quarantine.”

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He said he’s hopeful that if the CDC changes its quarantine guidelines to seven to 10 days he won’t have to be in quarantine as long as previously.