Gardendale Council approves plan to bring ACE Hardware to city

Published 5:18 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Gardendale City Council on Monday night approved a plan that would allow ACE Hardware to retain half of the city’s 3% sales tax to help recoup the cost of building a new business in Gardendale. The agreement would be good until ACE collects $430,470 or for 10 years, whatever comes first. The new store will be located at 255 City Street, near the Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot.

Gardendale Mayor Stan Hogeland said the store is planning to “fast track” the building and plans to break ground this summer.

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In other business, the council also:

•heard the first reading of a change to a zoning ordinance that required a complete drainage plan designed by an engineer to be presented with the preliminary development plan. The change would only require a preliminary plan to be presented initially and a complete plan to be presented later. The change was recommended by the Gardendale Planning and Zoning Board. The measure will be voted on at the June 3 council meeting.

•approved a resolution to surplus a projector, treadmill and printer.

•approved a resolution to hire a part time laborer for the Parks and Recreation Department to replace an employee.