Good Hope leaders provide support for robotics team

Published 5:15 am Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Good Hope City Council showed some support for a local team Monday night when it presented a check for $250 to the Good Hope Middle School Robotics Team.

The check is to help cover expenses for the team’s trip to Auburn University for the South’s BEST Regional Robotics Championship that will be taking place this weekend.

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Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett thanked the Robotics Team’s sponsor, Rebecca McSpadden, and the other teachers and officials who help with academic and athletic teams at Good Hope schools.

“We know that you spend a lot of after hours with these kids, and we really appreciate it,” he said. “And it’s showing and it’s paying dividends.”

Bartlett said the city always provides some monetary support to any of the schools’ teams that travel to state tournaments.

“We want to give you our support,” he said.

In other business, Councilman Greg Brown reported that the city served 1,300 free meals to the community during last Wednesday’s Community Thanksgiving Meal, and he thanked Good Hope cafeteria workers Debra Scott, Angela Day and Emily Blankenship for all the work that they put into the meal, along with all of the others who volunteered their time.

City Clerk Christie Chamblee said the city also received $125 in donations from people who came to the lunch, along with enough donated canned foods to fill the city’s food pantry.

The council also approved a resolution to continue working with Kendig Keast Collaborative to update the city’s zoning ordinance.

The city entered into an agreement with the firm in July to bring Good Hope up-to-date on its ordinances and make the city more attractive for developers, and the work order approved during Monday’s meeting will remove some of the city’s duplicated zones and create new districts as needed.

The $9,600 cost for the work order was already in the city’s budget for Fiscal Year 2019, Chamblee said.

Tyler Hanes can be reached at 256-734-2131 ext. 138.