(Our View) Food drive brings hope to local families

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A low unemployment rate, as desirable as the news appears, does not wipe out hunger or change everyone’s life for the better.

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The need is pronounced at Cullman Caring for Kids, which in addition to working against child abuse, runs an active food bank that for years has fed thousands of local families.

It’s not unusual for 500 to 600 families, sometimes more, to visit the food bank each month looking for assistance just to have a balance of healthy food at the dining table.

Cullman Caring for Kids Director Javon Daniel has noted that in the last two years, the demand for services of the food bank have increased while the economy has improved. 

Cullman County has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Alabama because of a diverse lineup of businesses and industries that have arrived in recent years, or expanded after successfully operating in the community.

Nonetheless, for a variety of circumstances ranging from under-employment, job loss, and health issues many residents run into financial periods that makes putting food on the table difficult.

The food bank is here for local families. Donations through The Cullman Times’ Cares & Shares food drive each year go directly to Cullman Caring for Kids. 

The money stays at home for the benefit of local residents.

Falling short in a budget and not being able to afford nutrition food can be devastating for adults and children. The food bank has been a blessing to the community and receives a wide range of support through the Cares & Shares food drive and other efforts in the community.

Cares & Shares is underway for 2018. The food drive will conclude Nov. 16.

Past years have seen donations of thousands of dollars and thousands of pounds of food delivered to The Times or Cullman Caring for Kids. 

Local students at city, county and private schools have been among the most consistent and generous donors during the food drive. 

Many businesses, local governments, civic organizations and church congregations have also stepped forward to ensure that local families are well fed throughout the year.

The Cullman area is widely populated with caring residents who work hard to help their neighbors in times of need.

Daniel has noted that some families only the need assistance once or twice and get back on their feet, economically. Others have needs that are more extended.

The food bank has been a consistent and efficient operation for Cullman County, making a difference each week in the lives of local families.

We invite everyone who is able to step up and join the Cares & Shares food drive. A few backs or cases or non-perishable food or cash donations are welcome. 

Cash donations allow Cullman Caring for Kids staff to purchase a larger variety of food as well as diapers. A $1 donation purchases seven pounds of food.

Some organizations and individuals have given hundreds or thousands of dollars to keep the shelves stocked for the steady demand at the food bank.

Cares & Shares is a local effort aimed at helping local families throughout the area. 

Any donation immediately is of great value to a family in our community.