Share Club

Published 6:00 am Sunday, February 25, 2018

Share Club had its Christmas social on Dec. 12, 2017, at TP County Club. President Delane Milligan called the group to order, followed by the reading of the Club Collect by Mary Barnes. Jennifer Shugarts called roll. Decorations were provided by Connie Sandlin of The Blue Eyed Rabbit. Hostesses were Maria Stanford, Mary Jane Waldrop and Kim Masters.

Others in attendance were Lee Adams, Beth Caviness, Bridgette Chandler, Jackie Donovan, Derinda Duke, Paula Graham, Belinda Hagan, Bonnie Heatherly, Stephanie Jowers, Johanna Johnson, Clara Kent, Vicki Knight, Cindy McGriff, Mary Leah Moss, Robyn Nance, Cindy Ponder, Linda Price, Garin Raines, Laura Ray and Melinda Willingham.

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