Local absentee ballots pour in for U.S. Senate special election (SAMPLE BALLOT)

Published 5:15 am Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cullman County residents have joined other Alabamians in their intense interest in the heated race for the U.S Senate between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones.

If absentee ballots are any indication, local voters could turn out in droves for Tuesday’s special election. The Cullman County Circuit Clerk’s Office, which is responsible for all absentee voting, reports around three times as many ballots requested and returned for the election, as of Friday.

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More than 400 applied for absentee ballots locally, and 376 have been turned in so far, McSwain said.

“I think the voter turnout is going to be higher than you might think,” she said. “There just seems like there’s been a lot of interest in this election.”

Absentee ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than Monday and must arrive at the circuit clerk’s office no later than noon Tuesday. Absentee ballots hand-delivered to the county absentee ballot manager’s office must be delivered by close of business Monday.

Voters can cast absentee ballots if they will be out of the county on election day, have an illness or infirmity that keeps them from going to the polls, have a work shift that includes 10 hours or more coinciding with polling hours on election day, are attending a college outside the county where they vote, or are a member of the military or the spouse or dependent of a member of the military serving overseas.

For more information about absentee voting, call 256-775-4654 or come by the circuit clerk’s office, located on the third floor of Cullman County Courthouse at 500 Second Ave S.W.