Summer feeding program expands across Cullman County
Published 2:30 pm Friday, June 2, 2017
- Cullman Police Capt. Bobby Kelley shows Eli McConnell, 3, photos of his family on his smartphone last summer at the West Elementary cafeteria. The Cullman City Schools Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is hosting a free summer feeding program at West Elementary school again.
Cullman County has seized the challenge of preventing child hunger this summer, rolling out a number of sites for children under 18 to get a free nutritious meal up to twice a day.
Eight sites have been established across the county to provide food to children and teens who may otherwise not get something healthy to eat during the summer months. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a collaborative effort between the USDA, state education department and local food banks, churches and non-profits to provide hundreds of children meals over the summer school break.
Colony kicked off its first day of the program Thursday, with around 20 or so children coming to breakfast and lunch. Soon, other locations will open up to provide meals. The program has taken off locally this year as organizers work with local groups to establish sites across Cullman County.
“Around 4,700 children in Cullman County are considered food insecure, and the summer feeding program previously only reached less than 2 percent of them,” said Laurel Moffatt, a member Child Hunger Corps working with the Food Bank of North Alabama.
Last summer, a record 2.6 million-plus meals were served to Alabama children and teens at risk of hunger at more than 1,100 sponsor sites, according to the state education department. And organizers hope even more children and sponsors will participate this year.
While Alabama’s “Break for a Plate” summer food program has outpaced the growth of similar programs elsewhere, there’s still a critical need for sponsors, particularly in rural areas where children and teens often live farther from school.
The Food Bank of North Alabama, the Alabama Association of Food Banks, school districts, churches and nonprofits are working together to bridge the gap and launch more summer meal sites in North Alabama.
To find nearby summer meal sites, text “FOOD” to 877-877 or visit
Here’s more details about the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP):
Who can participate?
* All children 18 years of age and under who attend an approved open site or an eligible enrolled site may receive meals provided by SFSP sponsors.
* Up to two healthy meals or snacks per day to children and teenagers age18 years and younger at approved central sites in low-income areas. Meals and snacks are also available to persons with disabilities, over 18, who participate in school programs for those who are mentally or physically disabled.
* Camps and sites that primarily serve migrant children may be approved to serve up to three meals.
* Sponsors receive reimbursement payments for allowable costs, such as food or administrative staff that support the operation of the program. Schools, public agencies, camps, and private nonprofit organizations may apply to sponsor the program. All sponsors receive training from their state agency before starting the program to learn how to plan, operate, and monitor a successful food service program.
Tiffeny Owens can be reached at 256-734-2131, ext. 135.
14 percent
Estimated portion of American households that are food insecure — about 15.3 million children.
22.1 million
Number of children and teens receive free and reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program.
3.8 million
Number of eligible children and teens that participate in summer meal programs.
Cullman: The Link of Cullman County, 708 Ninth St. S.E., 256-775-0028, 12-12:30 p.m. and 2:45-2:55 p.m., June 6-July 20.
Cullman: West Elementary, 303 Rosemont Ave. S.W., 9-10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., June 5-July 31
Cullman: Cullman Public Library, 200 Clark St. N.E., 256-734-2720, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 17-28.
Good Hope: Good Hope Baptist Church, 90 Good Hope School Road, 256-734-5932, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 17-28.
Good Hope: Daystar Church, 200 Daystar Drive, 256-737-0800, 11 a.m-12:30 p.m., Wednesday through Friday, June 7-mid July.
Colony: Town of Colony at 151 Byars Road, 256-287-1192, from 8-8:30 a.m. and 12-12:30 p.m., June 1-July 31
Vinemont: Longview Church of God, 2025 County Road 1269, 256-734-2566, 10:50 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 17-28.
Welti: Welti Elementary, 8545 County Road 747, 256-734-4956, 9-9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m., June 26-29.