Get rid of Conason

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I have a leadership development ministry. We believe and teach the principle that good decisions are based on dissenting opinions. That is true and applies only when those opinions are based upon facts, real reality, truth.

This brings me to the article in The Times by Joe Conason (11/11/14). In his concluding remarks he states that the thrashing that the Democrats took in the mid-term elections was due to an “unpopular president’s streak of bad luck”. That is pure unmitigated prejudicial and demented thinking. Decisions have consequences. The current administration has displayed a litany of incompetence and bad decisions. They seek to cover that incompetence and poor decision making with an unending stream of flat out lies (5 Pinocchios from the Washington Post).

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The results of this election in Cullman County saw not a single Democrat elected. I challenge the decision makers at The Times to conduct a poll among your readers. Pose one simple question. Should Joe Conason be maintained as a contributor to the Editorial Page of The Times?

The response will be 80 percent-plus to remove this incoherent and unbalanced lackey from the pages that we as subscribers pay to receive. Dissenting opinions, yes. Unmitigated convoluted babble-speak, no!