Whites celebrate their 75th anniversary

Published 1:28 pm Thursday, November 29, 2012

My parents celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary Nov.13, 2012.

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My father, Travis White, age 95, is an early riser and starts each day watching TV news while he enjoys breakfast. My mother, Addie Page White, age 92, will celebrate her 93rd birthday on Christmas day. Mother, on the other hand is a little slower to get started in the morning, but Daddy stands ready to serve her breakfast at her leisure.

They started their lifelong journey in Vinemont/Eva area of Cullman County, Ala. Both grew up in a small farm community and have known each other from childhood. They retired to Gulf Shores some 30 years ago and later moved next to me in Fairhope, Ala., about five years ago.

They still maintain their independence with Daddy being more active as he does the housekeeping duties, prepares meals and does the shopping. He also works in the yard each day attending to lawn and garden care. I feel working has keep him young in spirit. He is anxious for deer season to start so he can harvest a deer because he is getting a little low on deer meat.

Love, Waynard White