Trooper spreads holiday cheer

Published 10:23 pm Wednesday, December 28, 2005

He came bearing gifts, but he wasn’t in a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer.

He wasn’t dressed in red with white trim, but came in a blue uniform.

He also came three days later than Santa Claus, but Alabama State Trooper Shane Fleming was doing his best to spread a little holiday cheer to those in badly need of it — children at Cullman Region Medical Center’s pediatric unit.

“I’ve never experienced anything like this,” Fleming said. “It’s been a blessing.”

Fleming delivered “Trooper Teddy Bears” to children hospitalized at CRMC over the Christmas holidays as part of an Alabama State Troopers Association program.

“I’m the Decatur post’s representative to the association, so I’m fortunate to get to do this,” Fleming said.

Pediatric nurse Tammy Noble said the gift of the bears was a welcome sight.

“It’s really hard for children to be in the hospital at anytime,” Noble said. “It’s even harder over the holidays. We usually don’t have as many kids over the holidays like we do this year.”

There were “seven or eight” children in pediatric unit of the hospital when Fleming made his round. He left a few extra bears in case any more children were admitted over the next couple of days.

“The children love them,” said Noble, who has been on duty when the bears have been delivered in previous years. “I know the parents are always grateful. We do our best to cheer the children up, and something like this helps.”

Like Santa Claus, Fleming had a few more stops to make, although his itinerary wasn’t as nearly challenged as the “Jolly Old Elf.”

Decatur General and Athens-Limestone Hospital were the next stops on the list. He had 50 bears total in his car to give to children in need of more holiday cheer.

“I can get more bears if we need them,” Fleming said.

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